Project Lyricova
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Project Lyricova
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ダブルラリアットアゴアニキP feat. 巡音ルカ
How’s this? If my old self saw this, would I praise this? Though now I'm dizzy and going off-center
How’s this? If my old self saw this, would I praise this? Though now I'm dizzy and going off-center How’s this? If my old self saw this, would I praise this? Though now I'm dizzy and going off-center How’s this? If my old self saw this, would I praise this? Though now I'm dizzy and going off-center How’s this? If my old self saw this, would I praise this? Though now I'm dizzy and going off-center How’s this? If my old self saw this, would I praise this? Though now I'm dizzy and going off-center
First posted 9 years ago.
夢地図40mP feat. GUMI
撞上了高高的牆壁 躊躇的時候迷失了方向 最重要的東西一直都遺忘在了那出發地點 回過頭才發現 在那片天空的彼端 那兒有著我在夢地圖中所繪出的景色
撞上了高高的牆壁 躊躇的時候迷失了方向 最重要的東西一直都遺忘在了那出發地點 回過頭才發現 在那片天空的彼端 那兒有著我在夢地圖中所繪出的景色 撞上了高高的牆壁 躊躇的時候迷失了方向 最重要的東西一直都遺忘在了那出發地點 回過頭才發現 在那片天空的彼端 那兒有著我在夢地圖中所繪出的景色 撞上了高高的牆壁 躊躇的時候迷失了方向 最重要的東西一直都遺忘在了那出發地點 回過頭才發現 在那片天空的彼端 那兒有著我在夢地圖中所繪出的景色 撞上了高高的牆壁 躊躇的時候迷失了方向 最重要的東西一直都遺忘在了那出發地點 回過頭才發現 在那片天空的彼端 那兒有著我在夢地圖中所繪出的景色 撞上了高高的牆壁 躊躇的時候迷失了方向 最重要的東西一直都遺忘在了那出發地點 回過頭才發現 在那片天空的彼端 那兒有著我在夢地圖中所繪出的景色
First posted 9 years ago.
The 9thジミーサムP feat. 初音ミク
Diverges from the "same loops", Towards the margins of weightlessness.
Diverges from the "same loops", Towards the margins of weightlessness. Diverges from the "same loops", Towards the margins of weightlessness. Diverges from the "same loops", Towards the margins of weightlessness. Diverges from the "same loops", Towards the margins of weightlessness. Diverges from the "same loops", Towards the margins of weightlessness.
First posted 9 years ago.
タイムマシン1640mP feat. 初音ミク
The scenery passes me and is getting further away It leaves that day’s me behind
The scenery passes me and is getting further away It leaves that day’s me behind The scenery passes me and is getting further away It leaves that day’s me behind The scenery passes me and is getting further away It leaves that day’s me behind The scenery passes me and is getting further away It leaves that day’s me behind The scenery passes me and is getting further away It leaves that day’s me behind
First posted 9 years ago.
こうして僕、幸せが生まれたほのつき feat. 初音ミク
看啊,就快要到尽头了 天空也渐渐紧闭了起来 那期望之物 交替的时候也要到来了呢
看啊,就快要到尽头了 天空也渐渐紧闭了起来 那期望之物 交替的时候也要到来了呢 看啊,就快要到尽头了 天空也渐渐紧闭了起来 那期望之物 交替的时候也要到来了呢 看啊,就快要到尽头了 天空也渐渐紧闭了起来 那期望之物 交替的时候也要到来了呢 看啊,就快要到尽头了 天空也渐渐紧闭了起来 那期望之物 交替的时候也要到来了呢 看啊,就快要到尽头了 天空也渐渐紧闭了起来 那期望之物 交替的时候也要到来了呢
First posted 9 years ago.
リアル初音ミクの消失cosMo@暴走P feat. GUMI
「但願至少在此刻(最終之時)所見的世界是充滿溫暖的」 「但願至少在此刻(最終之時)所見的世界是充滿溫暖的」 「但願至少在此刻(最終之時)所見的世界是充滿溫暖的」 「但願至少在此刻(最終之時)所見的世界是充滿溫暖的」 「但願至少在此刻(最終之時)所見的世界是充滿溫暖的」
First posted 9 years ago.
深海少女ゆうゆ feat. 初音ミク
An unconscious counter-illumination
An unconscious counter-illumination An unconscious counter-illumination An unconscious counter-illumination An unconscious counter-illumination An unconscious counter-illumination
First posted 9 years ago.
僕は空気が嫁ないcosMo@暴走P feat. GUMI
いくら返答を提示しても キミは容赦なく不正解を つきつける
いくら返答を提示しても キミは容赦なく不正解を つきつける いくら返答を提示しても キミは容赦なく不正解を つきつける いくら返答を提示しても キミは容赦なく不正解を つきつける いくら返答を提示しても キミは容赦なく不正解を つきつける いくら返答を提示しても キミは容赦なく不正解を つきつける
First posted 10 years ago.
骸骨楽団とリリアトーマ feat. 初音ミク
聽見多少次 孤身一人的笨拙聲音 生銹的樂器 在海洋中奏鳴過幻想 夢中聽過的 那些音色統統收集起 紡織著讓它萌芽 傳不出環繞星球的歌謠
聽見多少次 孤身一人的笨拙聲音 生銹的樂器 在海洋中奏鳴過幻想 夢中聽過的 那些音色統統收集起 紡織著讓它萌芽 傳不出環繞星球的歌謠 聽見多少次 孤身一人的笨拙聲音 生銹的樂器 在海洋中奏鳴過幻想 夢中聽過的 那些音色統統收集起 紡織著讓它萌芽 傳不出環繞星球的歌謠 聽見多少次 孤身一人的笨拙聲音 生銹的樂器 在海洋中奏鳴過幻想 夢中聽過的 那些音色統統收集起 紡織著讓它萌芽 傳不出環繞星球的歌謠 聽見多少次 孤身一人的笨拙聲音 生銹的樂器 在海洋中奏鳴過幻想 夢中聽過的 那些音色統統收集起 紡織著讓它萌芽 傳不出環繞星球的歌謠 聽見多少次 孤身一人的笨拙聲音 生銹的樂器 在海洋中奏鳴過幻想 夢中聽過的 那些音色統統收集起 紡織著讓它萌芽 傳不出環繞星球的歌謠
First posted 10 years ago.
DECORATORkz (livetune) feat. 初音ミク
Please, realize, Even as delicate as it might be, To someone, your voice could mean everything.
Please, realize, Even as delicate as it might be, To someone, your voice could mean everything. Please, realize, Even as delicate as it might be, To someone, your voice could mean everything. Please, realize, Even as delicate as it might be, To someone, your voice could mean everything. Please, realize, Even as delicate as it might be, To someone, your voice could mean everything. Please, realize, Even as delicate as it might be, To someone, your voice could mean everything.
First posted 10 years ago.
うたうたいのうたナノウ feat. 初音ミク
歌の中なら何処へでも行けた 何にでもなれた 例えば月の裏側とか 夢の終わりとか メロディーを奏でていく まだ見ぬ誰かの為に 届かないと知っていても
歌の中なら何処へでも行けた 何にでもなれた 例えば月の裏側とか 夢の終わりとか メロディーを奏でていく まだ見ぬ誰かの為に 届かないと知っていても 歌の中なら何処へでも行けた 何にでもなれた 例えば月の裏側とか 夢の終わりとか メロディーを奏でていく まだ見ぬ誰かの為に 届かないと知っていても 歌の中なら何処へでも行けた 何にでもなれた 例えば月の裏側とか 夢の終わりとか メロディーを奏でていく まだ見ぬ誰かの為に 届かないと知っていても 歌の中なら何処へでも行けた 何にでもなれた 例えば月の裏側とか 夢の終わりとか メロディーを奏でていく まだ見ぬ誰かの為に 届かないと知っていても 歌の中なら何処へでも行けた 何にでもなれた 例えば月の裏側とか 夢の終わりとか メロディーを奏でていく まだ見ぬ誰かの為に 届かないと知っていても
First posted 10 years ago.
Song For Youilem feat. 言和
So let me sing for you. Sing the song that you wrote for me once more. Every time I sing for you, It's the thing which makes me know I am here and still loved by you I just wanna sing for you I will sing the most beautiful song I've ever heard I sing for you with all my love and life in my voice
So let me sing for you. Sing the song that you wrote for me once more. Every time I sing for you, It's the thing which makes me know I am here and still loved by you I just wanna sing for you I will sing the most beautiful song I've ever heard I sing for you with all my love and life in my voice So let me sing for you. Sing the song that you wrote for me once more. Every time I sing for you, It's the thing which makes me know I am here and still loved by you I just wanna sing for you I will sing the most beautiful song I've ever heard I sing for you with all my love and life in my voice So let me sing for you. Sing the song that you wrote for me once more. Every time I sing for you, It's the thing which makes me know I am here and still loved by you I just wanna sing for you I will sing the most beautiful song I've ever heard I sing for you with all my love and life in my voice So let me sing for you. Sing the song that you wrote for me once more. Every time I sing for you, It's the thing which makes me know I am here and still loved by you I just wanna sing for you I will sing the most beautiful song I've ever heard I sing for you with all my love and life in my voice So let me sing for you. Sing the song that you wrote for me once more. Every time I sing for you, It's the thing which makes me know I am here and still loved by you I just wanna sing for you I will sing the most beautiful song I've ever heard I sing for you with all my love and life in my voice
First posted 10 years ago.
鈍銹的氣息、甚至熏染的漆黑也 終於開始變得淡了起來 好像聽到了某處傳來的聲音 像是很熟悉 又像是忘掉了的 在螺旋階梯的盡頭是 十分狹小的門 正於塵埃中等待著 「我推開囉。」「嗯。」
鈍銹的氣息、甚至熏染的漆黑也 終於開始變得淡了起來 好像聽到了某處傳來的聲音 像是很熟悉 又像是忘掉了的 在螺旋階梯的盡頭是 十分狹小的門 正於塵埃中等待著 「我推開囉。」「嗯。」 鈍銹的氣息、甚至熏染的漆黑也 終於開始變得淡了起來 好像聽到了某處傳來的聲音 像是很熟悉 又像是忘掉了的 在螺旋階梯的盡頭是 十分狹小的門 正於塵埃中等待著 「我推開囉。」「嗯。」 鈍銹的氣息、甚至熏染的漆黑也 終於開始變得淡了起來 好像聽到了某處傳來的聲音 像是很熟悉 又像是忘掉了的 在螺旋階梯的盡頭是 十分狹小的門 正於塵埃中等待著 「我推開囉。」「嗯。」 鈍銹的氣息、甚至熏染的漆黑也 終於開始變得淡了起來 好像聽到了某處傳來的聲音 像是很熟悉 又像是忘掉了的 在螺旋階梯的盡頭是 十分狹小的門 正於塵埃中等待著 「我推開囉。」「嗯。」 鈍銹的氣息、甚至熏染的漆黑也 終於開始變得淡了起來 好像聽到了某處傳來的聲音 像是很熟悉 又像是忘掉了的 在螺旋階梯的盡頭是 十分狹小的門 正於塵埃中等待著 「我推開囉。」「嗯。」
First posted 10 years ago.
こうして僕、幸せが生まれたほのづき feat. 初音ミク Append (Sweet)
Yes, jese, o, descriptia. An to pu, ept narratia.
Yes, jese, o, descriptia. An to pu, ept narratia. Yes, jese, o, descriptia. An to pu, ept narratia. Yes, jese, o, descriptia. An to pu, ept narratia. Yes, jese, o, descriptia. An to pu, ept narratia. Yes, jese, o, descriptia. An to pu, ept narratia.
First posted 10 years ago.
マトリョシカハチ feat. 初音ミク・GUMI
我说啊,听我讲一下嘛,很重要的事情喔 Parade? Mareido? 再多拍一会 说些像是等等啊的话啊等啊等啊等 直到变得只剩下一个人。
我说啊,听我讲一下嘛,很重要的事情喔 Parade? Mareido? 再多拍一会 说些像是等等啊的话啊等啊等啊等 直到变得只剩下一个人。 我说啊,听我讲一下嘛,很重要的事情喔 Parade? Mareido? 再多拍一会 说些像是等等啊的话啊等啊等啊等 直到变得只剩下一个人。 我说啊,听我讲一下嘛,很重要的事情喔 Parade? Mareido? 再多拍一会 说些像是等等啊的话啊等啊等啊等 直到变得只剩下一个人。 我说啊,听我讲一下嘛,很重要的事情喔 Parade? Mareido? 再多拍一会 说些像是等等啊的话啊等啊等啊等 直到变得只剩下一个人。 我说啊,听我讲一下嘛,很重要的事情喔 Parade? Mareido? 再多拍一会 说些像是等等啊的话啊等啊等啊等 直到变得只剩下一个人。
First posted 10 years ago.
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